Monday, January 19, 2009

New Addiction

I've found another addiction online... Yelp. Yelp is a great place to look for reviews of places that you'll be visiting for the first time, and a great place to share you opinion.

I found this site when I was looking up a restaurant that we always drive by, but never went in. I try to be cautious with money and don't want to spend money on a place I won't like... but I'll never know until I go, right? Well, that is why I'm always looking to see what others have to say about the place. Yelp has listing after listing from people all over the place for so many different businesses. It's nice to read what others think before I'm make my decision on whether I'll visit the establishment.

There is no pay for this site, but it's always nice to let others know how you feel. I love writing and have always wanted to be a writer, so this is giving me some practice. It's not exactly the type of writing I'd like to do in the future, but it's still good experience.

I'm still new on the site with only six reviews, but I'll be there to "elite" status some day =D

So, if you're a Yelp user, find me. And if you've never used Yelp, check it out because it will be a great place to find out about a place you've never been, but might be visiting soon.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

BART Shooting

I was shocked when I heard the news of the BART shooting last night on the 11 o'clock news. It was the first I had heard of the shooting... and it had happened on January 1. If you haven't heard about this stories, below is the news story:

I guess the reason I was shocked was because I used to ride through the Fruitvale Station daily while I was working at UC Berkeley. It didn't surprise me that the BART police had to pull people off the train because I had seen that so many times. But the video of the BART police officer shooting the guy while he was already on the ground was a shock!

As I get older, I find it funny how places and things that I used to live and do now scare me. For example, my high school was a scary place at the time with shootings and stabbings, but I was never scared then. Now, every time I go back to that school (once a year during travel season for recruiting), I'm kind of scared. I saw some crazy things on BART, but it never really scared me back then, but I think if I were riding BART now, things would bother me a little more. Is it me getting older, or is it because I have become so used to my current locations where nothing crazy happens?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Holiday Break

I have not wrote in a while... again... and I said that I wouldn't do this. But, I'm actually pretty proud of myself during the holiday break. During the break that I had from work (December 24 - January 4), I probably went on the internet about 75% less than usual. That's pretty good for me since I practically live online.

We got a lot of stuff done around the house - it needed it's spring cleaning early! But, for the most part, we did a lot of resting. I could not believe it, but I actually slept in to about 10am every day. That is very unlike me. Even on weekends I usually can't sleep past 8am. So, it was good to get some sleep... I guess I was catching up for all of the sleep I didn't get throughout the year.

We also did a lot of shopping... We definitely went shopping the day after Christmas for all of the holidays sales. We decided to go to Target when it opened to get all of the holiday stuff at 50% off... so, we got lots of LED lights, decorations and then all of those cool gadgets that they sell during the holiday season for gifts. We also spent some time with friends, which was great because during the year it is hard, especially during the Fall for me.

And lastly, we finally went hiking again. It has been so long. We plan on going hiking at least once a month in the coming year, but hopefully more. We were able to only go hiking once during the break, but it was great. We hiked up to Echo Mountain which is above Altadena and Pasadena, and only about 10 minutes away from the house - at least the beginning of the trail. It was a great day to hike because the sky was absolutely clear and we could see everything. Below are a few pictures that I took with my phone... not the best pictures, but they will give you an idea.

Well, that was our break. Now I've been back to work since yesterday and have been busy, busy ever since.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Weight gain during Fall

Travel season was not good to me. Working in college admissions requires that I am out on the road recruiting for the university from almost three months straight. This past fall I was away from home and staying in hotels for a total of 27 nights. Plus, all of those other days that I was not out of the area, I was doing local travel. Typical days of local travel include three to four high school visits a day, plus a college fair at night that typically gets over at 9pm.

During the fall I have long days and am unable to stay on a regular diet. It's unfortunate, but during travel season I have to eat out every day... a few times a day. Usually I am able to be good, but this past year I was bad and my waistline has seen the consequences. :-(

When I started travel season I was already a little unhappy with myself and thought that I could stand to lose 10 - 15 more pounds. But, the pounds started adding on... and now I'm thinking I have about 25 - 30 pounds I need to get rid of.

Don't get me wrong. I do love what I do. It's fun traveling for work because I get to see places I've never been. For example, since starting my job at the University of La Verne I have been to so many places I had never been: Washington, Oregon, Texas, Boston, Maine. I've had the opportunity to travel to Sacramento to do Legislative work, and am hoping to travel to DC in 2009 for Legislative work. I'll probably be visiting Maryland and Colorado next year for conferences... My job is fun and I get to travel... but I hate the fact that it's so hard to stay on a healthy diet when traveling.

With the holidays coming up, I'm not going to set myself up for failure. However, starting January 1 it's diet and exercise time for me. I have put my mind to it, and I am determined to get to my goal weight. And my wedding, that we're hoping to have in May, will get me to my goal. I have an idea of where I need to be and I am determined to be there by my wedding day! Wish me luck!

2008 in review

I can't believe I'm doing a survey on the blog, but it's the only way I can think of reviewing my 2008... without thinking too hard.

1) Where did you begin 2008?
Maverick and I was at the Rojo house in Baldwin Park.

2) What was your status by Valentine's Day?

3) Were you in school anytime this year?
Technically I was not at school, but I'm always at school. I was not enrolled in school, but I work at a University.

4) How did you earn your money?
Working at the University of La Verne. For the first part of the year my job was Admission Counselor. However, during the summer I got a promotion to Assistant Director of Admission.

5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
I was not at the hospital myself, but I went to visit family.

6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
Not in 2008.

7) What did you purchase that was over $1000?
Nothing this past year.

8) Worst moment in 2008?
The day that Grandma Martin died :-(

9) Did you know anybody who got married?
Joey and Esperanza, Michael and Hazel

10) Did you know anybody who passed away?
My Grandma Martin

11) Did you know anyone who had a baby?

Ben and Maria had their twins Leo and Ella and Michelle and Dustin had Gabrielle

12) Did you move anywhere?
Nope, I've lived in the same house for the past two and a half years. However, during 2008 I spent about 40 nights in hotel rooms, mostly for work.

13) What concerts/shows did you go to?
The only concerts/shows I went to were for Maverick's band called Subdivision

14) Are you registered to vote?
Yes I am - have been since I turned 18

15) Do you still have the same job as you did in 2007?
I work for the same University, but did get a promotion in 2008

17) Where do you live now?
Same place I have for the past two and a half years - San Gabriel, California.

18) Describe your birthday?
Unfortunately my Grandma's funeral was the day before. But, I did have the day off work. My Mom, Dad Grandma and Grandpa (on my Mom's side) came to my house and we went to eat at my favorite restaurant - Wood Ranch. I wasn't in much of a mood to celebrate too much.

19) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2008?
Get tired of all of the travel for work.

Lobby in Sacramento and talk with Legislators - it was so much fun and I can't wait to do it again in February 2009!

20) What has been your favorite moment?
The moments I was able to spend with the people most important to me without a care in the world.

21) What's something you learned about yourself?

I'm a lot more sensitive than I thought.

22) Any new additions to your family?
Not on my side of the family, but two new little ones on Maverick's side - his cousin and wife had twins in September

23) What was your best month?
August - It was the time that I got to take vacation from work and just relax. It was nice to be away from work not not being so busy!

24) Were you in a relationship this year?
Yes I was, and have been since 2005

25) What music will you remember 2008 by?
I don't know.

26) Who has been your best drinking buddy?
I'm not much of a drinker any more - not like I used to be in college. But, I can say I have a good time with:
Diana and Regina at Dodger games.
Matt Luna and Andrew in Portland, Maine as we watched the Celtics win the Championship at a great bar called Fore Play
Matt Rinehart and Andrew in Las Vegas for the WACAC Conference
Andrew, Gina, and Jenny in Seattle for the NACAC Conference
And always Maverick whenever we have a drink here or there.

27) New friend?
A met a few good people out on the road this year

28) Favorite Night out?
Looking at Christmas Lights with Maverick
Watching the Celtics win the Championship at Fore Play Bar in Portland, Maine
NACAC Social Events, especially the California Suite in Seattle
Dodger Baseball games with the girls

29) Would you say you've changed since the beginning of this year?
Not too much

30) Do you think 2009 will be better or worse?
It will definitely get better as we are planning on getting married in 2009 =D

Monday, December 15, 2008

Drivers that are Jerks!

Last night Maverick and I went to look at Christmas Lights in Rancho Cucamonga. I have been going to the same place in Rancho Cucamonga to look at Christmas lights for years. It's always crowded, but the lights are spectacular... so it is well worth it!

We were waiting in line (in our car) on Sapphire waiting to get on Thoroughbred where the lights are. We literally were only in line for about 15 minutes - not bad at all. There have been times in the past when we waited over an hour! There was a big truck that I knew was going to be trouble as soon as I saw him. He tried pushing his way in front of me, but I wasn't having it. He was turning from a side street, but I wouldn't let him go. So, he got behind me. He turned his high beams on just to bother me... oh well, I wasn't going to let him cut in front of me. Then after waiting in line about three minutes behind me when there was only about 10 cars in front of us, he cuts off to the side of the road, goes to the front of the line and cuts in front of the next person in line and goes onto Thoroughbred to see the lights.

This infuriated me! This guy was nothing but a jerk. I hate inconsiderate drivers. You may be thinking... "maybe the guy was impatient because he lived in the area and just wanted to get home." Nope, I saw the guy inside looking at the lights just like the rest of us! Oh... makes me so mad. It's supposed to be Christmas when people are nice to others, but this guy is almost getting into accidents just to get in front of a few people.

I just had to rant about this inconsiderate driver. It made me so mad last night - it probably brought up my blood pressure because I was so mad. Oh well... it's over now. Now it back to reading applications for admission =D

So Long Again

Why has it been so hard to write in the blog since I got back on a regular schedule at work? I just can't seem to find the time to write in my blog. It was working out so well during travel season - I was able to vent, share fun stories, etc. I miss it! So again, I'm going to try my best to post in the blog on a regular basis!